iM1NE’s R&D Lab is composed of dedicated researchers for each division from masks and skincare to new formulations. Led by the head of the R&D Center with 30 years of experience, dozens of dedicated researchers conduct monthly market research and mid to long term project research, and are devoted to developing differentiated technologies. With the R&D capabilities of iM1NE proven by dozens of patents, we provide customized prescriptions for the products based on customer’s need.
The iM1NE Lab is the largest sector out of all the departments, accounting for about 15% of the total workforce.
Researchers by field, consisted of five dedicated teams tailored to customers to provide professional services.
Researchers of iM1NE are realizing infinite possibilities by analyzing new products every month, accumulating research know-how through research on their own projects, inventory exhibitions, and contests.
iM1NE also actively invests in building various facilities and physical infrastructure.
We develop more precise and safer prescriptions using the latest equipment, from universal material testing machines for mask sheet research, optical to microscopes capable of precise analysis, skincare development facilities, and recently content testing devices for quality analysis of quasi-drugs.
In addition, we build a facility system that can produce samples in the R&D Lab, so that evaluation tests can be conducted with high-quality prototypes.
A machine that can make emulsion particles into nano-sized shapes using the HSHP (High Shear High Pressure) principle
It is possible to develop a visually differentiated formulation by filling up to 2 contents simultaneously
With a machine that can cut the mask design to the desired shape, it is possible to design and demonstrate a patch design suitable for various body parts, thereby reducing production cost and time.
This machine can test and evaluate materials such as tensile, compression, peeling, and friction coefficient.
This system can measure the size of dispersed particles to develop a precise formulation and instantly check the fiber material of the sheet.